GlacierGrid Technical Guides: Mastering Energy Sustainability and Management

The Power of Energy Savings: A Restaurant Owner's Roadmap to Energy Optimization

Written by Regina Ongkiko | Feb 26, 2024 5:00:00 PM

TLDR: Recap of key takeaways and actionable steps

  • Restaurants consume significantly more energy per square foot compared to other commercial businesses, emphasizing the need for energy optimization to reduce operational costs.
  • Energy optimization in restaurants isn't just about cost savings; it's also about contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.
  • Understanding that cooking, HVAC, sanitation, lighting, and refrigeration are the primary contributors to restaurant energy consumption helps focus optimization efforts.
  • Smart solutions like smart thermostats and controls are game-changers for HVAC and refrigeration as they provide precise control, data-driven insights, remote management, and proactive maintenance.
  • It’s important and possible to balance efficiency and ambiance using energy-efficient lighting, efficient kitchen appliances, and optimization practices.
  • Renewable energy sources are investments that restaurant owners may want to look at in the long term.
  • Collaboration and alignment among restaurant staff is crucial to the success of your energy optimization strategies.


  • Create a tailored energy plan for your restaurant
  • Follow through with a solid implementation plan

Introduction: Navigating the energy optimization landscape

In the fast-paced world of the restaurant industry, owners and managers face a multitude of challenges daily. From managing staff to delivering exceptional customer service, the focus is often on the hustle and bustle of daily operations. 


However, one critical aspect that sometimes remains overlooked is the significant impact of energy consumption on a restaurant's bottom line. After all, it affects more than just energy bills and costs—it even affects the quality of the food served. 

Understanding the impact of energy costs on restaurants

Did you know that restaurants consume five to seven times more energy per square foot than other commercial enterprises in the United States? This statistic just underlines the importance of addressing energy costs. 


To put it into perspective, energy consumption in restaurants can be broken down into:


  • Food preparation: Cooking alone consumes approximately 35% of the energy a restaurant uses. 
  • HVAC: Commercial heating and cooling are responsible for approximately 28% of energy costs. Effective climate control strategies can yield substantial savings.
  • Sanitation: Sanitation equipment and water usage contribute to 18% of energy costs. 
  • Lighting: Keeping the lights on consumes 13% of a restaurant's energy. 
  • Refrigeration: Refrigeration energy costs account for around 6% of the total. 

On average, a restaurant in the United States spends 3-5% of its total operating costs on energy. To put it plainly, energy costs are a significant part of the financial equation for any restaurant.

The role of energy optimization in sustainable business practices

Energy optimization isn't just about reducing costs; it's also about contributing to a more sustainable future. Restaurants, like any other businesses, have a responsibility to the environment. 


The figures are stark: food service buildings, including restaurants, are nearly four times more energy-intensive than commercial buildings on average in the United States. 


By adopting energy-efficient practices, restaurant owners can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, contributing to environmental conservation and reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. In this whitepaper, we'll explore a range of strategies and solutions that can help restaurant owners unlock substantial energy savings through energy optimization.


HVAC and refrigeration: it’s time to go smart

Efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and refrigeration are vital components of any restaurant's energy management strategy. Not only do these systems ensure the comfort and safety of patrons and staff, but they also have a substantial impact on energy consumption. 


Thanks to technological advancements, there are now smart solutions for HVAC and refrigeration that can play a crucial role in optimizing energy usage—while maintaining the necessary climate control standards in your restaurant

The power of smart thermostats and controls for efficiency

Smart thermostats and controls have emerged as game-changers for restaurant owners seeking to balance climate control, comfort, and energy efficiency. Unlike traditional systems that operate on fixed schedules and settings, smart technology adapts to the unique needs of your restaurant in real-time. 


Here's how these advancements change the game:


  • Precision control: Smart thermostats and controls provide precise control over temperature settings, allowing for adjustments based on occupancy and time of day. This means your HVAC and refrigeration systems are only working as hard as they need to, reducing energy waste.
  • Data-driven insights: These systems offer real-time data on energy consumption and equipment performance giving restaurant owners the ability to make informed decisions and spot further optimization opportunities.
  • Remote management: This allows owners and managers to adjust settings, receive alerts, and troubleshoot issues from anywhere—very valuable for multi-location restaurant chains.
  • Energy efficiency: By efficiently regulating temperature and refrigeration levels, smart thermostats and controls help restaurants minimize energy waste, reduce operational costs, and decrease their carbon footprint.
  • Proactive maintenance: These features can alert you to potential equipment issues before they lead to costly breakdowns, ensuring the longevity of your equipment.

Pioneering the field of energy management, GlacierGrid plays a pivotal role in this transformation. By integrating cutting-edge smart thermostats and control technology, GlacierGrid empowers restaurant owners to take charge of their HVAC and refrigeration systems, optimizing their performance while significantly reducing energy consumption.


5 HVAC and refrigeration optimization tips for restaurants

Optimizing HVAC and refrigeration systems in a restaurant requires a combination of technology and best practices. Here are some HVAC and refrigeration optimization tips to help you achieve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs:


Routine maintenance is key.

Schedule regular maintenance for HVAC and refrigeration systems to ensure they are operating efficiently. (Example: Clean or replace air filters, check for refrigerant leaks, and inspect for leaks.)


Invest in smart thermostats.
Install programmable and smart thermostats that allow precise control of temperature settings based on occupancy and time of day. (Example: Set the thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature during non-operating hours or when the restaurant is less crowded.)


Implement zoning
Divide the restaurant into different temperature zones, allowing you to heat or cool only the occupied areas. (Example: Zone the dining area separately from the kitchen to avoid overcooling or overheating empty spaces.)


Go for energy-efficient equipment
Invest in energy-efficient HVAC and refrigeration equipment that meets ENERGY STAR or other efficiency standards. (Example: Choose low-energy-consumption refrigeration units and HVAC systems.)


Set up temperature monitoring

Implement temperature monitoring and alarms to ensure HVAC and refrigeration systems are operating within the desired ranges. (Example: Use real-time temperature monitoring systems that notify you if temperatures deviate from set limits.)


Illuminating the path to sustainability with efficient lighting

Let’s talk about lighting as it serves a dual purpose for restaurants: providing visibility and creating ambiance. However, lighting is not just about aesthetics; it also has a significant impact on energy consumption.

What is the impact of lighting on energy consumption?

Lighting can transform an ordinary dining experience into a memorable one. However, this transformation comes at an energy cost. 


The choice of lighting fixtures, their efficiency, and how they are used can significantly affect the restaurant's energy consumption. To understand this impact, consider the following:


  • Energy consumption factors: Several factors contribute to the energy consumption of lighting in a restaurant, including the type of bulbs, the number of fixtures, and how long they are in use. For example, incandescent bulbs are less energy-efficient than LED or fluorescent lighting, and maintaining a high number of fixtures can lead to unnecessary energy use.
  • Operating hours: The hours during which your restaurant operates have a direct impact on lighting energy consumption. Restaurants open during evenings or late-night hours may require more lighting.
  • Lighting control systems: Dimmers, occupancy sensors, and timers, can significantly affect energy use by adjusting lighting levels based on needs. Dimmers can reduce lighting intensity during daytime hours, and occupancy sensors can turn off lights in unoccupied areas, resulting in energy savings.

Harnessing efficiency in the kitchen

Efficiency in the kitchen? It’s a non-negotiable for restaurant owners aiming to reduce energy consumption while maintaining high standards of food preparation. 

In a bustling restaurant, the kitchen is often the heart of energy consumption, where innovative appliances and optimization practices can make a significant difference.

Energy-efficient kitchen appliances and practices

In a busy restaurant kitchen, the choice of appliances and cooking practices plays a crucial role in minimizing energy usage. From the ovens and stoves to the refrigeration units, every piece of equipment matters. 

Efficiency in the restaurant kitchen begins with the right choice of appliances and the implementation of energy-conscious practices. Energy-efficient kitchen equipment not only reduces energy consumption but also contributes to a sustainable operation. 



Here’s how you can start your journey with energy-efficient equipment:

  1. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR logo. This signifies their energy efficiency and environmental performance. For example, an ENERGY STAR-certified dishwasher can save both water and energy compared to traditional models.  ENERGY STAR-certified commercial refrigerators also consume less energy while maintaining food safety.
  2. Invest in high-efficiency ovens, stoves, and grills that offer better insulation and precise temperature control. Convection ovens circulate heat efficiently, reducing cooking time and energy consumption.
  3. Maintain and calibrate kitchen equipment regularly to ensure they operate at peak efficiency. Periodic cleaning of ovens and grills, for example, helps ensure they function optimally and use less energy.
  4. Inventory management also plays an important role. Implement efficient inventory management to reduce food wastage and optimize storage, minimizing the need for excess refrigeration.
  5. Install energy-efficient ventilation systems with variable speed controls and heat recovery features.

By incorporating energy-efficient equipment, restaurant owners are taking one step closer to significantly reducing energy consumption while maintaining high culinary standards. Cooking and cooling optimization strategies for restaurants.


Cooking and cooling optimization strategies for restaurants

Now, simply having your equipment dialed in isn’t enough. It’s also important to optimize the cooking and cooling processes in your restaurant's kitchen. These practical strategies can help restaurant owners streamline their operations while reducing energy costs:


Practice precise equipment scheduling

What is it? It’s planning the cooking and cooling equipment usage to match peak hours. That way, you can avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

Example: Schedule dishwashing or batch cooking during non-peak hours to reduce simultaneous high-energy demand.


Integrate efficiency in your kitchen layout

What is it? This means designing the kitchen layout to minimize unnecessary movement and reduce energy use by optimizing workflow.

Example: Arrange workstations logically, so staff can efficiently access equipment and ingredients.


Implement temperature setbacks

What is it? This involves implementing temperature setbacks during non-operating hours, so you essentially reduce heating and cooling requirements.

Example: Lower the thermostat settings or shut down unused equipment during closing hours


Involve staff in efficient refrigeration practices

What is it? Train staff to avoid frequent and prolonged opening of refrigerators and freezers, because these can lead to temperature fluctuations.

Example: Establish clear guidelines for accessing refrigerated items efficiently to minimize cooling loss.


All about harnessing renewable energy


As the business industry continues to pursue more sustainable ways of operating, the integration of renewable energy sources is also getting more time in the spotlight. Harnessing renewable energy not only reduces environmental impact but also offers opportunities for long-term cost savings. 

Solar power and beyond: renewable energy options for restaurants

Renewable energy opens doors to innovative solutions that can power your restaurant and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. While solar power, in particular, is becoming more popular because of its versatility and effectiveness in restaurant settings, it's not the only option. 


  • Wind turbines capture the kinetic energy of the wind and convert it into electricity. This can be a viable option for restaurants located in areas with consistent and strong winds.

  • Geothermal energy systems utilize heat from the Earth's core to generate power and provide heating and cooling for a restaurant. Restaurants with sufficient land space can install these systems for heating and cooling, reducing reliance on traditional HVAC systems.

  • Biomass energy relies on organic materials like wood, agricultural residues, and food waste to produce energy through combustion or conversion processes. Restaurants can use food waste and organic matter to generate energy, simultaneously reducing waste and energy costs.

  • Hydropower utilizes the flow of water (often from rivers or dams) to generate electricity through turbines. Restaurants located near water sources may explore micro-hydropower systems, and those near larger rivers can consider grid-connected hydropower.

Selecting the right renewable energy source or combination of sources depends on various factors—geographical location, energy needs, and available resources. 


Here’s a tip: Restaurant owners can work with renewable energy experts to evaluate the most suitable options and implement a customized renewable energy strategy that aligns with their sustainability goals.

10 practical steps to integrate renewable energy into restaurant operations

Thinking of transitioning to renewable energy sources? This move requires a thoughtful approach that considers not only the environmental benefits but also the practical implementation in your restaurant. 


These steps offer a clear roadmap for a sustainable energy transition:


  1. Conduct an energy audit and assessment
    Understanding your energy needs and consumption patterns is the first step towards a sustainable transition.

  2. Determine the suitable renewable energy source
    Based on your restaurant's location, available resources, and energy needs, select the most appropriate renewable energy source or combination of sources. Tailoring your renewable energy choice to your specific circumstances ensures optimal results.

  3. Conduct a comprehensive financial analysis
    Conduct a financial analysis to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy installation, considering upfront costs, incentives, and long-term savings.

  4. Identify installation opportunities
    Determine suitable locations for renewable energy installations, such as solar panels, wind turbines, or biomass systems, and evaluate the feasibility of on-site generation.

  5. Collaborate with renewable energy experts
    Expert guidance ensures the seamless integration and performance of renewable energy solutions.

  6. Ensure regulatory compliance
    Familiarize yourself with local and state regulations related to renewable energy integration, including permitting and incentives. Compliance with regulations and incentives can streamline the adoption process.

  7. Conduct employee training and awareness
    An informed and engaged workforce contributes to efficient energy management, so it’s important for restaurant owners and managers to involve the staff in the transition.

  8. Set up a monitoring and maintenance strategy
    Implement monitoring systems to track renewable energy performance and schedule regular check-ins to preserve the effectiveness of renewable energy systems.

  9. Look into energy storage solutions
    Consider integrating energy storage solutions, such as batteries, to store excess renewable energy and ensure a consistent power supply.

  10. Focus on continuous improvement
    Staying up-to-date ensures long-term sustainability and cost savings. Continuously assess and optimize your renewable energy systems and explore additional efficiency measures as technology evolves.

Designing for energy efficiency

The design of a restaurant, from its layout and architecture to its ventilation systems, plays a critical role in its energy efficiency. Smart design choices can lead to reduced energy consumption, which can then lead to a more sustainable and cost-effective operation. Here are the factors that can make your restaurant a more efficient and sustainable space.


  • Proper insulation and sealing reduce heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer, minimizing the workload on HVAC systems.
  • Incorporate ample natural lighting through large windows and skylights, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. Plus, natural light enhances ambiance!
  • Plan lighting layouts that balance aesthetics and energy efficiency, using LED or CFL bulbs with dimmable controls.

The human connection: involving staff for collaborative energy savings

Achieving energy savings and sustainability in a restaurant is not just the responsibility of owners and management—it's a collective effort.


Additionally, creating a culture of efficiency and sustainability throughout your restaurant is essential for long-term energy savings and environmental responsibility. 

How to foster energy-conscious habits and cultivate a culture of efficiency among restaurant staff


  1. Conduct regular staff training sessions to educate your staff about the importance of energy efficiency and the specific practices that contribute to it.

  2. Set clearly defined responsibilities. Assign specific energy-related responsibilities to staff members—such as who’s responsible for monitoring equipment, shutting down unused appliances, and reporting energy waste. Clearly defined roles empower staff to take ownership of energy-saving tasks.

  3. Create incentive programs that reward staff for energy-saving actions, such as turning off lights, reducing waste, or suggesting efficiency improvements.

  4. Conduct regular audits to assess energy consumption and provide feedback to staff on their performance. Feedback helps staff understand their impact on energy efficiency and identifies areas for improvement. Additionally, feedback should be two-way—maintain open and transparent communication channels to encourage staff to share their energy-saving ideas and feedback.

  5. Leverage available technology like GlacierGrid Monitoring which automates temperature checks and sends alerts for any anomalies. GlacierGrid reduces the need for manual temperature checks, saving valuable manpower and ensuring food safety.

  6. Create a culture of sustainability by emphasizing shared values and a collective commitment to energy efficiency.

  7. Conduct routine inspections to ensure equipment is functioning optimally and that staff are following energy-saving protocols.

Fostering energy-conscious habits among your restaurant staff not only leads to reduced energy consumption but also creates a more sustainable and responsible work environment. By providing education, incentives, and efficient tools like GlacierGrid Monitoring, you can streamline energy-saving efforts and ensure that every member of your team actively contributes to your restaurant's sustainability goals.


Not just optimization, but data-driven optimization

Optimizing energy usage in your restaurant is a crucial step, but achieving sustainable and long-term savings requires a data-driven approach. 

Monitoring energy usage: tools and techniques

Efficient energy management begins with the ability to accurately monitor and measure energy consumption in your restaurant. Here are tools and techniques for monitoring energy usage:


  1. Advanced energy sensors that measure electricity, gas, and water usage in real-time
  2. Smart meters that are connected to utility grids and provide real-time data on energy usage. These usually come with user-friendly interfaces too.
  3. Submetering involves installing individual meters on specific equipment or areas (e.g., HVAC, lighting, refrigeration) to measure their energy consumption separately.
  4. Energy Management Systems (EMS) basically streamline data collection and provide a holistic view of your restaurant's energy performance.
  5. Remote monitoring systems that allow you to access energy data from anywhere, enabling you to stay updated and make adjustments as necessary.

Leveraging data analysis for continuous improvement

Data analysis is the linchpin of data-driven optimization. By embracing data analysis, restaurant owners can use the data collected from energy monitoring to identify trends, uncover inefficiencies, and drive continuous improvement. 


So how exactly can data analysis enhance your restaurant's energy-saving strategies and overall sustainability?


  1. Trend analysis: Analyzing historical data and patterns, such as peak usage hours or seasonal variations, allows you to adapt energy-saving strategies to specific periods, optimizing efficiency.

  2. Benchmarking: Comparing your restaurant's energy consumption to industry benchmarks or similar establishments to assess your performance can reveal where you stand and what you need to improve.

  3. Identifying inefficiencies: Data analysis also uncovers energy wastage, such as equipment running when not needed or lighting left on in unoccupied areas. This can help you rectify issues promptly.

  4. Predictive maintenance: Use predictive maintenance algorithms to anticipate equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules based on data analysis. This can help avoid or reduce downtime and prevent energy and income loss due to equipment breakdowns.

  5. Performance tracking: Monitor the impact of your current energy-saving measures and analyze data to evaluate what’s working and what’s not.

Your actionable: crafting your energy optimization strategy

With a wealth of information and strategies at your disposal, it's time to turn knowledge into action. No two restaurants are the same, and your energy optimization plan should reflect your unique circumstances. A well-crafted plan ensures that your energy-saving efforts are purposeful and effective. We'll explore how to create a tailored energy plan that aligns with your restaurant's specific needs, goals, and budget constraints. 


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a tailored energy plan:


Step 1: Set clear objectives

Define your energy optimization objectives. Are you primarily aiming to reduce costs, minimize environmental impact, or both?


Step 2: Assess your current energy usage

Conduct an in-depth assessment of your restaurant's baseline energy consumption, identifying key consumption areas and patterns.


Step 3: Identify specific efficiency measures

Determine which energy-efficient measures align with your objectives. These may include equipment upgrades, lighting improvements, or changes in operational practices.


Step 4: Establish your budget and resources

Define your budget for energy optimization and allocate resources accordingly. Consider financing options and grants. Remember, a well-defined budget ensures that you can implement your plan effectively.

Step 5: Prioritize measures

Depending on your budget and resources, you may not be able to implement everything you want right away. In this case, it’s important to prioritize energy-saving measures based on their potential return on investment—considering both short-term and long-term benefits.


Step 6: Set milestones and timelines

Establish milestones and a timeline for implementing each energy-saving measure. This keeps your plan on track.


Step 7: Engage your team

Involve your staff from the very beginning, especially in the energy optimization planning stage. It’s very important to get their support and align on your values and goals. Communicate the importance of their role in achieving your goals.


Step 8: Monitor and adjust

Implement a system for monitoring and collecting data on energy usage. Continuously analyze the results and adjust your plan as needed.


Of course, it’s important to note that having a plan is only the beginning. Implementation is where your energy-saving goals become a reality. It's in the execution that your energy-saving goals become a reality.


Your path to energy optimization

Now is the time to take action. Implementing energy-saving measures not only benefits your bottom line but also contributes to a greener future. 


Your restaurant holds the power to make a meaningful difference in the world of energy optimization. By reducing energy consumption and embracing sustainable practices, you're not only enhancing your financial health but also participating in a global effort to combat climate change. 


Every step you take, no matter how small, counts towards a more sustainable and responsible future. As you embark on your journey to energy optimization, remember that every effort matters. 


Celebrate your achievements, engage your team, and embrace the path to a more sustainable and cost-efficient restaurant operation.



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